
Sunday, April 5

I want you to be crazy cuz you're boring baby when you're sane!

That is the chorus of the song I hear, coming from the living room. Ty and his buddy are playing hockey on Playstation 2.

Tyler's friend Jeff has been here since 10:30 this morning, helping him carry the 50 sheets of drywall from our back room up to the bedroom upstairs. It's a long walk. It took them quite a while. As far as I know, they started putting drywall on the walls after they got it all up there. I wasn't here to witness it, I went to my sister Rachel's for a tea, because she is pregnant and due and pregnant and tired and so pregnant and done being pregnant. I brought her cookies, and everyone knows cookies make everything better. Except if you were allergic to all types of cookies. That would suck.

I had a busy day myself! I went outside and cleaned up my yard, throwing all the sticks and branches that were flung from the trees around our property, putting them in a wheelbarrow, and dumping them next to the wood furnace. The sun was SO warm, it felt so good to get out there and soak up some rays. How is it that there was snow on the ground two days ago, and today it was at least plus 14 out, warm, sunny, and gorgeous? It maketh no sense, Charles.

I also started raking, but I didn't finish... I have a big yard, and little arms... um, well, I was tired and thirsty, anyways.

I'll work on raking all this week, taking it slow and easy of course, because little Beanie is detouring a lot of my energy towards their own little person! Little interloper.

Now I'm going to go barbeque my supper. Yummy chicken!


  1. Yay for drywall!! :D

    Still no Rachel baby, eh? I've been hoping all day that she'll just go. On the other hand, it would be fun if she waited till tomorrow afternoon, and baby came while we were at the midwife appt.! :D

    Hurray for picking up sticks! It was a beautiful day today. Jeff split a bunch of wood, and the kids spent some time on the trampoline. I stood outside for a bit, and then headed back in for my chair and my kleenex. Colds suck. Especially spring colds. {cough, cough, hack, choke}

  2. Hmmmmm, drywall, eh? And you couldn't spend your time barking at the guys to "HURRY UP AND GET THAT DRYWALL UPSTAIRS" preferring, rather, to go outside and do yard work?

    No wonder your husband wanted to marry you!

  3. ooh yard work can be fun, and the weather has been so nice here-- hopefully nice where you are too!!! and yes, it would definitely be the WORST if you were allergic to all types of cookies :)


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