
Tuesday, November 25

I have completely neglected November.

Sorry, November.

But you have to admit, you have kept me pretty busy.

To placate you for now, here's a few pictures I've taken this week.

Brady is a winter puppy. She loves the snow! She was so excited the first morning after the big snowfall.

Weren't ya, babes.

This is the sunrise that woke me up Sunday morning. It was annoying when I was wrapped up in my blankets in bed, poking me in the eyes and all, but when I groggily came downstairs and released the hounds, I was grudgingly forced to admit that it was beautiful. I'm glad I got a picture.

In conclusion, I know I'm a lousy blogger lately, but I'm still better than Linda. Ha!


  1. I told you, I was planning that post forever.

    I think I'll do Hope and Love in Parts 1,2,&3 though. Faith was HUGELY long. HUGELY. Didn't realize it until I published it.

    So ha. I write big, long posts. :P The blog gods are pleased. ;)

    And yes, sunrise = gorgeous.

  2. It's nice to see it once in a while. Not too often. :p
    Brady needs to come for a date with May, they'd have a blast in the snow together.


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